Career Skills achievement

Career Skills Achievement Program was developed by BPW Canada in ENGLISH and FRENCH and consists of the following modules:

  1. We Have Got to Start Meeting Like This! Making the Most of Meetings: Leading and Participating
  2. Straight to the Point Getting your Message Across in 30 Seconds or Less
  3. Gender Equity in the Workplace Employees, Managers and Organizations can Prevent and Deal with Sexual Harassment
  4. First Impressions and Lasting Success Business Etiquette for the 21st Century
  5. Making Mentoring Work for You How to Find, Utilize and Be a Mentor on the Road to Success
  6. Making Time for What Matters Most Time Management for Business Women


The program can be used for Club evenings, the modules are self-explaining, a moderator explains the exercises which trigger fruitful and interesting exchanges among the members. No trainers are needed. A topic can e.g. be used by a club if a speaker cancels her showing up on a short notice.


For information please contact the Taskforce Chair Antoinette Rüegg: