BPW International President 2021-2024

Dr. Catherine Bosshart, Switzerland/France

Dear BPW

Our first virtual General Assembly was for all of us not only a technical but also a social challenge

We had only little time to tackle the huge task to organize a virtual Congress. I would like to thank President Amany for her commitment, the International Planning Committee for its work. In the last two weeks before General Assembly we virtually met every day or twice every day. The Planning Committee consisted of Dr. Asfour, Dr. Seidita, Dr. Viravan and Dr. Kiengsiri and I. Thank you all for having confidence in me and giving me your vote. Those members who are disappointed I would like to ask to give me a chance and to collaborate with me. I will be available for all members and I am willing to support you in all your endeavors for the benefit of BPW International. Thank you for being still online and motivated to face a next Triennium. I am full of energy and you too, I presume. Let's work together along the new International Theme: New Actions through Cooperation. It includes the one we have had in the last Triennium and the Sustainable Development Goals are a big part of the actions.

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President's Calendar

Events, planned travels and visits by BPW International President. 

*Participation of BPW International President

Running Calendar (pdf)