Earth Day - April 22, 2024 - BPW Earth Song & Pledges

Monday, April 22 is Earth Day all over the world.

BPW International Green and Sutainable Task Force is inviting you to join. Earth Day is observed annually since 1970, one month after the spring equinox, Earth Day marks the anniversary of modern environmental consciousness and dedicated care for the planet.

BPW seeks to promote the message of sustainability and encourage individual responsibility and action in women. This Earth Day we invite women leaders and women everywhere to join us in making pledges of sustainability for the year ahead already fourth time. Big changes start with small, consistent steps. 


A woman who participates will take a photo or video of herself ‘holding the world’ in her hand, as if keeping it safe. This visual can be achieved by drawing the shape of the planet on one’s palm, holding a globe or a ball with earth-inspired graphics on it. 

The photo should be posted on social media (Facebook or Instagram) along with a pledge caption (“I promise to…” or “Holding the Earth by…”), using hashtags  #HoldingTheEarth#WomenForMotherEarth#EarthDayPledge#GreenBPW, #noplanetnoearth, #earthday

With this link you find the pre-made designs for sharing the promises and a banner that can be shared among your organisations.

BPW Earth Song

We will sing together our BPW Earth song fourth time in zoom 

Join Zoom Meeting - April 22, 2024 - 17.00h CET - Meeting ID: 811 0811 5534 - Passcode: 968650