Posts tagged with "bpw.webinar Video"

NEW Video bpw.webinar - Mentoring Reports
bpw.webinar News · July 20, 2024
Some mentoring representatives from various federations and clubs report on their work. They share their ideas and talk about their experiences, successes and failures in the years 2021-2024.

NEW Video bpw.webinar - Partnership for Breast Cancer
bpw.webinar News · June 15, 2024
bpw.webinar organized by Margarida Yassuda, with BPW Madrid x Universidad Complutense Madrid and BPW São Paulo x Rotary Butantã, São Paulo

NEW Video bpw.webinar - BPW International & Italian Exhibition Group IEG  Business for BPW Members

bpw.webinar News · December 10, 2023
Harmonizing Ethical AI - Global Perspectives on Diversity, Inclusion, and the Regulatory Frameworks in International Law. YouTube Video

bpw.webinars Video - The Future of Work for Women in the 21st Century
bpw.webinar News · April 20, 2023
A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and Team SC Development, Training, Employment with the panelists: Ana Duarte McCarty, Dr. Shyama Venkateswar and Larisa B. Miller

Our 1st Webinar as YouTube Video
Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood - A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and the Standing Committee Team for Development, Training and Employment. - Webinar in English

bpw.webinar - Video "Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood"
bpw.webinar News · October 27, 2022
Collaboration: The Pathway to Strength, Success and Sisterhood - A bpw.webinar with Francesca Burack, Chair, and the Standing Committee Team for Development, Training and Employment. - Webinar in English

bpw.webinars - Video "Financial & Dues Policies"
bpw.webinar News · September 14, 2022
Finance & Dues Policies, with Eufemia Ippolito, BPW International Executive Finance Officer 2021-2024. Webinar in English. Link to YouTube Video.

bpw.webinars - Video "Standing Committee Agriculture - Information, Actions, Business Ideas"
bpw.webinar News · June 07, 2022
Link to the video of the bpw.webinar about SC Agriculture - Action Plan

Video from Webinar "Understanding BPW International's Constitution"
Executive Secretary News · May 09, 2022
Jenny Gulamani-Abdulla, JD, BPW International Executive Secretary 2021-2024. Webinar in English. Video.

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