Task Force Child Marriage Prevention News

Task Force Child Marriage Prevention - Action Plan - Dr. Giuseppa Seidita
Action Plan 2021-2024 Child Marriage Prevention - Chair Dr. Giuseppa Seidita

Task Force Report 2021 - Child Marriage Prevention
Report 2021 Task Force Child Marriage Prevention, Chair Dr. Giuseppina Seidita

Child Marriage Prevention Task Force’s Report by Giuseppina Seidita, Chair Child marriage is a serious violation of human rights. The battle against child marriage is in relation to SDG 5,Target 5.3 as well as SDG4. Statistics have shown that a girl under the age of 18 gets married every three seconds – that is, 10 million underage girls are married each year – most often without their consent and most likely to an older man. Most of these marriages take place in Africa, predominantly in...