Message from Regional Coordinator Africa - Hadia M. Gondji, Ethiopia
I am honored to be elected the Africa Regional Coordinator. It is a great pleasure to be a member of our great BPW International organization. I hope during this triennium to work for the implementation of my objectives:
- To expand the Affiliates across Africa and strengthen the current Affiliates
- To have a communication strategy among all BPW Affiliates in Africa
- To promote projects among BPW Africa Affiliates
- To increase connectivity among our BPW Africa Affiliates
- To organize regional seminars across Africa for promoting Business Opportunities across Africa
- To strengthen the relationship of BPW Africa with the African Union
- To organize training programs for entrepreneurship
- To develop Mentorship programs across BPW Africa Affiliates
I am looking forward to communicating with all our members in Africa and all over the world and to working together for women’s empowerment to realize the Sustainable Development Goals under the theme of our triennium which is New Actions through Cooperation.
With love and peace to all of our BPW sisters
Hadia M. Gondji
Regional Coordinator Africa 2021-2024