Rome, Sheraton Hotel Golf Club, 22-24 September 2023 National Assembly of FIDAPA BPW Italy to elect the new Executive Board for the biennium 2023/2025
All the Presidents and Delegates of FIDAPA BPW Italy met in Rome to attend the National Assembly and elect the new Executive Board for the biennium 2023-2025.
More than 700 members were present and their interventions testified to the considerable work that BPW Italy is constantly doing for the social promotion of its members and for the realisation of important projects.
BPW Italy, with more than 10,500 members, is the most important federation of BPW International, not only for the number of members but also for the many projects and activities it carries out.
The newly elected Executive Board is composed of:
- President Cettina Corallo
- Vice President Anna Maria Elvira Musacchio
- Secretary Anna Maria Turchetti
- Treasurer Francisca Carmen Albamonte
- Past President Fiammetta Perrone
Best wishes to them for a two-year period full of positive commitment, associative success and collaboration with BPW International.
The International President, Dr Catherine Bosshart, attended the meeting and welcomed the newly elected Executive Board.
Dr. Giuseppina Seidita, VP Membership & Chair SC Membership 2021-2024