
Happy International Women's Day 2024

BPW International Members Working at Leaders' Summit on March 8, 2024
BPW International Members Working at Leaders' Summit on March 8, 2024

Today, March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day. The theme set by the United Nations, Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress emphasizes the importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in resilient communities, equitable economies and a sustainable planet.


It takes everyone to solve the world's problems; it can't be done if half the people are prevented from participating. 

This is the reason and drive for BPW International and our members to continue to work with great commitment and determination for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.


At this year's CSW68, we are once again working hard towards our goal, supporting and accepting each other and united in this endeavor.


Happy Women's Day!


Dr. Catherine Bosshart

BPW International President 20212024