Dear International President, dear BPW,
I have prepared for you a BPW International membership statistics report to give a clear vision of our membership situation.
First of all, I analyzed the membership numbers over the last term, from 2017 to 2021. I have considered the trends in membership numbers since 2017.
As you can see in the tables and graph, membership numbers significantly decreased in several BPW regions last term, particularly in the European Region.
Only Africa has implemented the number of members.
Due to this situation, the International Association has also suffered from a decrease in the number of its members.
This can be seen better in the graph.
Why all that?
I think in 2020 and 2021 we decreased the number of members because of the terrible impact of pandemic and the economic crisis around the world.
But after March 2021 we have already increased the number of members, as you can see in the graph.
Now, in the first year of our term we have improved the number of members very much , as clearly shown in the graph.
I would like to remind you my goals, which were proposed in my action plan at the beginning of the mandate: see Slide 7.
I am very happy to have achieved them and I hope that the number of our members will increase more and more in the nearest future.
Dr. Giuseppina Seidita
BPW International VP Membership 2021-2024
Write a comment
Anne Todd (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:09)
How many are paid up?
Catherine Bosshart, President of BPW International (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:50)
Most of our members are paid-up. The exact figures will be communicated at the end of year 2022.
Yinka Ajibola (Saturday, 14 May 2022 06:00)
Great job VP Membership.
Thanks for the easy-to-understand graphs and figures you provided.
It shows where there is good progress and where more work needs to be done.